I see few Xara-designed websites ever paying attention to the regulatory need to advice about how that site is using Cookies.
This applies even when just using Google Analytics.

Xara links to https://help.xara.com/article/446-ad...consent-banner and you can use the Open Source product for free.
This is a third-party widget.

I have developed a more Xara-integrated design that uses a small amount of JavaScript to handle localStorage instead of a Cookie.
It can be repurposed to handle Cookies but localStorage only saves a record on the browser your are using and does not transmit anything back to a third-party.

The Consent Form is on a !layer (always publishes).
The ACCEPT set the 'hidden' item in localStorage.
The consent() function adds a ClassName of 'given' to all objects that have a Name of htmlclass="consent"; here, these are all in the !Consent layer.
The page is then refreshed and the Consent form vanishes, never to be seen again, until you press the REMOVE CONSENT button.
Its code is also all in its Link.

The consent() function is in the Website HTML Code head section.

It works across Variants.

You can link to a separate Cookie Policy page, I used a pop-up layer.
The pop-ups have to be Sticky.to appear above the blocking box.

What I would appreciate knowing is how bulletproof the mechanism is across browsers and devices.
Is it as good as the third-party widget?

JS - Cookie Consnet Pop-up.xar

Do ask if there are any unclear instructions.
