This is a very simple but versatile slider.
I do, however, need to work out why I have to add an SVG shape to trigger it to work.

I have a collection of boxes with a Bitmap Fill of each image.
All have a special Name of htmlclass="photo".

To avoid an abrupt transition at the end of the loop, I have cloned the topmost image, removed its Name and pushed it to the bottom of the stack.

To change the animation, I used simple number arrays to transition the opacity, size and rotation.
You can alter all of these with a varied transform-origin to get zoom ins from the centre or edge, or even flips and spins.
You change the showtime value to determine the timing.

The quirk is the small Red Line, top left of the images that I had to add to fire up the animation.

Design: anime.js Slideshow.xar
