What is the common or preferred 'width' settings, many of you are using these days ?
...this is an old question, just not seeing many post in last year or two

About to start rebuilding a couple older (much older) web sites I maintain, and looking to take advantage of wider screens (a couple sites were started in the 1024x768 screen days). Also wanting to be mobile friendly. Have looked at the 'scale to fit' feature seems to not be best when the site pages vary greatly, in length (some sub-pages maybe one screen, some maybe two, but some could scroll to 3 to 5 pages down). From what I read, the Scale to Fit does not perform so well on longer pages or sites with mixed lengths.

The defaults in Xara (I think) are 955 for desktop and 640 on mobile.
Most desktop or laptop monitors are widescreen and at least 1366 width, many are 1400 to 1600 resolution wide.

I am playing with 1200 for the desktop variant right now, as know not everyone will have their browser open 'full screen', plus know some will 'zoom in' to make text bigger. But want to use more of the screen width, so wondering if this will be a good compromise on width.

So just wanted to ask, folks building new sites, what are you using for your main page 'width' ?
And what are you using for your lower / primary / variant width ?

And why ?

thanks in advance !