Here is an interesting question.
In testing my website now in final corrections prior to Bluehost publishing, I came across an issue I was not expecting.
From the root home set of pages, all works fine. I published my home index set of pages to Download/test, and then created another folder inside called Articles.
Then inside Articles folder, I published 5 .xars into their each individual folder, as they are independent websites and single page articles.
All links on the Nav bar worked fine, from the Home Page (and assorted front root pages) to the subfolders. I named them what they will be on the server.
I tested the Nav bars on each articles back to the home pages (Home, About, Staff, Articles, Issue, Contact) and they worked fine. No issues.
Now, in each .xar article (see image) there, at the bottom of the page is a "Related Posts" section with 2 image and text links related to articles on the current, paged article. The reader would then click the "Related Posts" link to their liking and read the next uploaded article.
But it does not do that, the page comes up 'Your file could not be accessed".
So from sub folder to sub folder (or article to article not selected from the home pages) is there another way the directions is supposed to be written?
Here is my 'copy link' info on the on screen article to the 'related article' when the mouse is placed over the text/photo link:
Any idea?