Quote Originally Posted by bwood View Post
A challenge I always have with the clients I work with is convincing them that too much text is deadly on a website. I’ve used pop ups with text. I much prefer clean websites with a small amount of text. Something @gwpriester advocated a long time ago.
Many times I’ve produced more work for myself by suggesting an adjunct newsletter in PDF form, and linked it to the website.
I happen to think is a generational thing. I work with an older museum curator and when I meet I’m writing 3 pages of info.

What do TG’s suggest to your clients. I’m interested in your view points.
Bill, I suppose the trick is to establish the salient points of your diatribe and display these on the page. Then break out into separate article pages that expand on each key point. Doing so adds depth to a website and allows for copious cross-referencing. Pop-up layers with lots of text is equally distracting.

You also have to pitch it to your client that people use mobile phones and are used to reading reading postcards over broadsheet newspapers.
The reading experience of a vertically held phone or screen is dramatically different to reading a magazine or book on a table.
