I have created a number of Google entry forms that are working well on my Xara website. However, I have encountered a problem with a longer form. Though I increase the size of the page and the placeholder (manually) the form appears to grow in length to exceed my page limit when published. I recognize that I am likely overlooking something simple

Here's the code for the desktop:
<iframe src="https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vRTpCDAxP4IdLJTWpK8WRiv-hM6qHOIQcCpr4GeP50D9rYvySQeBfWPRfB86yjt0BlXI4SfXP3 4De9X/pub?embedded=true"width=734 height=2300></iframe>

...and for the phone version:
<iframe src="https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vRTpCDAxP4IdLJTWpK8WRiv-hM6qHOIQcCpr4GeP50D9rYvySQeBfWPRfB86yjt0BlXI4SfXP3 4De9X/pub?embedded=true", width=460 height=2800> </iframe>

Thanks for your time and expertise!