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  1. #61
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    Default Re: Is there any way to get Xara (Designer Pro X18) to be more accurate?

    Quote Originally Posted by shiphen View Post
    So what? Why be so defensive? Please stop trying to pretend Xara is perfect. It isn't.
    that is gaslighting - if you don't know what that means go look it up - nobody here ever claimed the program was perfect, let alone me

    if a company can't handled constructive criticisms it's days will be numbered.
    I don't see construtive criticisms from you, maybe I missed them, would you care to go back and point them out ?

    Re commercial art, personally I have yet to find professional graphic designer, nor any industrial product designer who actually uses is
    this probably has a statistical relevance so small you would need to measure it in millipoints [unless you can back it up with data to show otherwise]

    Quote Originally Posted by pauland
    Exasperated perhaps
    make that definately
    Last edited by handrawn; 16 July 2021 at 11:47 AM. Reason: fix last quote
    Nothing lasts forever...

  2. #62
    Join Date
    Nov 2002

    Default Re: Is there any way to get Xara (Designer Pro X18) to be more accurate?

    > I don't see construtive criticisms from you, maybe I missed them, would you care to go back and point them out ?
    I have just pointed out that it impossible to enter a Rectangle of 100 x 100 mp.
    And I seem to get HUGE push-back for it, consisting of both [I paraphrase]
    "It's supposed to work that way"
    "Don't be too hard on the developers"
    "How dare you be so stupid as to use it for CAD design"

    I have merely pointed out that IF Xara can actually store a shape that is _drawn_ line by line correctly (and will then work perfectly and nudge as far as you like without 'mis-matching-to-grid' errors), then why can't it store that shape if it drawn by the Rectangle Tool? It's pretty obvious that it's some kind of rounding error. But when I point this out I get howls of protest from this community.

    > Laying aside the "freehand drawing" bit your beef with Xara is about accuracy and
    > sketching is about speed and ideas with little regard for accuracy.
    Correct. That is precisely why I have been using the snapping!!!
    And Xara failing to stay attached to the its grid when you nudge shapes is precisely what started this whole conversation.

    > that is gaslighting - if you don't know what that means go look it up
    Some of you are now trying to bully me, rather than address the matters in question.
    If you don't know what that means go look it up.

  3. #63
    Join Date
    Sep 2000
    Bracknell, UK

    Default Re: Is there any way to get Xara (Designer Pro X18) to be more accurate?


    The "matters in question" are irrelevant for people using Xara in the way it was intended to be used.

    I think the thread has run it's course and I can feel a "thread lock" coming on..

  4. #64
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    Default Re: Is there any way to get Xara (Designer Pro X18) to be more accurate?

    Quote Originally Posted by shiphen View Post
    > I don't see construtive criticisms from you, maybe I missed them, would you care to go back and point them out ?
    I have just pointed out that it impossible to enter a Rectangle of 100 x 100 mp.
    And I seem to get HUGE push-back for it, consisting of both [I paraphrase]
    "It's supposed to work that way"
    "Don't be too hard on the developers"
    "How dare you be so stupid as to use it for CAD design"

    I have merely pointed out that IF Xara can actually store a shape that is _drawn_ line by line correctly (and will then work perfectly and nudge as far as you like without 'mis-matching-to-grid' errors), then why can't it store that shape if it drawn by the Rectangle Tool? It's pretty obvious that it's some kind of rounding error. But when I point this out I get howls of protest from this community.

    > Laying aside the "freehand drawing" bit your beef with Xara is about accuracy and
    > sketching is about speed and ideas with little regard for accuracy.
    Correct. That is precisely why I have been using the snapping!!!
    And Xara failing to stay attached to the its grid when you nudge shapes is precisely what started this whole conversation.

    > that is gaslighting - if you don't know what that means go look it up
    Some of you are now trying to bully me, rather than address the matters in question.
    If you don't know what that means go look it up.
    whilst you are at it look up hyperbole

    and also the form of bullying that tries to shout down a perfectly valid argument by saying it is victimisation, when it is nothing of the sort

    "How dare you be so stupid as to use it for CAD design"
    where the heck did anyone say anything like that ?

    you are out of order my friend

    this thread should be closed indeed if it keeps going round in circles

    P.S. oh I cant let this go either:

    It's pretty obvious that it's some kind of rounding error. But when I point this out I get howls of protest from this community.
    what you got was an explanation of why it is so; no howls of protest, just a rational explanation...
    Last edited by handrawn; 16 July 2021 at 04:34 PM. Reason: tidy up
    Nothing lasts forever...

  5. #65
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    Default Re: Is there any way to get Xara (Designer Pro X18) to be more accurate?

    oh and because I am getting rather tired of this, let me point out that the first person to mention rounding in this thread was me in post #6; somehow you seem to think you thought of it first, but you did not; this may seem petty, but I am exasperated to the point of annoyance
    Nothing lasts forever...

  6. #66
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    SW England

    Info Re: Is there any way to get Xara (Designer Pro X18) to be more accurate?

    Indeed I am closing this Thread as while the technical aspects have been a joy to me, the rancour has not.

    @shipen, your issues have been addressed, with no small effort, from the TG Community.

    In summary:

    • You stressed the need for accuracy, yet you then indicate you are working on a collection of mini-projects at the limit of Xara's resolution.
    • You are well in your rights to ignore the use of a CAD package or other tool.
    • You could move shapes to exact pin-point positioning by adding the displacement into the input box. You seem to think Nudging hundreds of times would keep grid fidelity against advice to Shift+Nudge and Ctrl+Nudge instead.
    • You have ignored the benefits of Scaling or other alternatives, i.e., Guides.
    • You have cried off switching over to millipoints, for which I can respect. The downside, however, is possible loss of accuracy.
    • I have found no rounding error of anywhere near the 0.5% you have suggested.
    • There are no "Sacred Cows".
    • We, collectively, have established that there are discrepancies around SmartShapes. You are not the first to identify such.

    Nonetheless, I have taken on board the bugs, errors, inconsistencies, faults and user interfacing mishandling identified by all.
    I have raised these aspects in the Dear Xara Forum: https://www.talkgraphics.com/showthr...-XDA-Precision.

    Acorn - installed Xara software: Cloud+/Pro+ and most others back through time (to CC's Artworks). Contact for technical remediation/consultancy for your web designs.
    When we provide assistance, your responses are valuable as they benefit the community. TG Nuggets you might like. Report faults: Xara Cloud+/Pro+/Magix Legacy; Xara KB & Chat



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