Quote Originally Posted by handrawn View Post
i just typed in a line - dont use text areas - thing is, this is autostupid - in word I can tell it globally not to do autoformat, because word is a world class program - can I do this in xara ?

ok I checked - it works in a text area... but like i said some of us just use text lines, why should we suffer, and why can we not just turn off auto correct globally [this is rhetorical xara always thinks it knows best] ?
I'm going to be extremely blunt here. This is exactly why Xara hates going through TalkGraphics. This isn't unique behaviour to Xara, this isn't something special. This is standard behaviour across desktop publishing apps and somehow you've turned this into a Xara hate bashing session, that we're trying to be too smart for our own good. It wouldn't surprise me that if we didn't turn this into a list, you'd be complaining about that as well. I genuinely don't believe we can do right by you.

I can get this fixed. One of my first initiatives is to collect a large number of minor tweaks, ui/ux improvements and bug fixes and get them finally sorted. Bugs that often are generally minor in scope and fall under the radar but overall together have a big impact on the experience of Xara. I get that you're frustrated, but for the love of god please work with me here to improve Xara, to make this process smooth. The more direct an issue is, the faster we can provide a solution.