After bouncing off Facebook (clunky horrible user interface), found myself greatly enjoying Instagram. I love making ads, and had no trouble adjusting to the Insta 1080x1080 square format.
See - I do tourism for the town of Tombstone, Arizona in the USA... and recently we started the foundation to promote all four towns along our historic old highway here. We are... a secret oasis, undiscovered deep in redstate* flyover* country. In my Tombstone, no stop lights. No fast food. Set your watch by the crack of gunfire from the shows at the OK Corral.
And after many years, still love Xara. It makes commercial art so easy. So fast to produce.
So maybe I'll make a deal with Magix. Germans, right? Well, this IS the exact place that Karl May wrote about with his 100 Old Shatterhand and Minitou books. Right here, with Cochise high up in the rocks just a few miles from town. And Geronimo, not the nicest of people. So if Magix drops those popup ads, I'll buy anyone from their company a drink if they ever come West. A drink in the Oriental Saloon, where Wyatt Earp ran a faro table and rented out his wife Mattie before the gunfight. Maybe a shot of Old Overholt, exactly the same now as back in the 1880s, here in the Town Too Tough To Die!
*redstate means voted for Trump. *flyover means nobody in Washington knows about us, and we don't care... or isn't that your Millwall soccer motto?