If you read through https://help.xara.com/article/36-license-information and follow back to the originators you will find a couple of things out:
  • The versions used can be extremely old
  • the creator has packed up
  • the coding is for browsers that may not support CSS3.

The Landscape gallery & Portrait gallery have both four external dependencies and a number of internal Xara ones.

I spent 30 minutes establishing a proof of concept that removes all of these with one small CSS3 Placeholder.

You add the galley Placeholder onto your Pasteboard or design.
Anything you want to behave as a gallery item, you add a Name, htmlclass="gallery".

That's it.

It works on solo images, images in a haphazard grouping or similar to the two Xara Widgets.
It works on Text columns.
It will handle HighSlide as a Link.
Text can still use Links as shown with the links out to all the Xara packages.
The CSS, shown in Bold Red can be tweaked for different transition speeds, rotation, scaling and basically anything you can make CSS perform.

OK, I have not included the other Widget transitions but they are easy to research within imageGallerySimple.css, part of the Widget build.

CSS - replacing XARA Portrait Gallery Widget.xar
