I really don't unerstand what your requirements are here? What are your gifs supposed to be achieving? You talk about screen grabs, scanners , eyeballs .....

I can now place drawings by hand into flatbed scanner, then scan and crop using HP printer software and try some basic animation. But perhaps animation of a comic, changing eyeballs and eye brows and mouth only, perhaps a second process of this with cropping (not flipbook style) could be worked on.

Egg, may I suggest you change Windows resolution, or change the render output of your videos to MP4 or mkv or something or ensure you have HD enabled.
My videos are full HD, it's not my videos that are low quality, it's your very poor animated gif. Check the resolution of the Xara background images.

notes on forum attachments:
This forum seems to crop and resize attachments.
The forum sets the maximum image size to 800px, so resize your attachments to match this width.

some screen shots of important steps from Egg's video or the Xara features I did not know about.
Mint, TG is all about self help and I'm only glad to know I'm being of assistance