I consider it amazing that Xara has yet to respond to handling SVG files in a vector-driven application.

This is my current workaround:
  1. Drop an SVG onto the page.
    My demo file that I have used is AcornAtavar.svg
    The XDA renders this as a Group: a collection of shapes, text, fills and images, depending on the complexity of the SVG.
    All well and good until (Website > )Export and the grouped elements are converted to a 96dpi image, typically PNG. And yes, there could also be a Retina version.
    The group still requires an Image filename for SEO and just plain manners.
  2. Select the Group and press Shift+Ctrl+Alt+A to get an Attach File dialog and locate and pick the same SVG.
    I use the Search Everything program so I can pick up the full path easily and input that directly.
    The places the file into the index_htm_files/ folder.
  3. Now enter Placeholder > HTML code (body) and input:
    <img src="index_htm_files/
    " width=100% height=100% />
    You should keep Regenerate placeholder unticked, especially if scaling afterwards.
  4. You now have an SVG instead of a PNG and a named one at that.

My design file: SVG - File Handling.xar

As an extra, I added some simple CSS to provide a rollover for comparison. It scales up the shapes to 500%. In use, you add the special Name htmlclass="svg" to anything.
The third acorn is "exploded" to show the artefacts in better detail.




.svg {
transition: transform 1s ease-in-out;
overflow: hidden;
.svg:hover {
transform: scale(5);
cursor: zoom-in;