1. made simple 2-page site
the first page is text and pix (with top pix a link to page 2)
2. Page 2 is a short test video
I followed the rules (ie autoplay muted loop)

<video class="xar_meplayer" src="index_htm_files/White Pelicans.mp4" controls muted autoplay loop width = "100%" height="100%"/>
3. problem
a. there is no slider control (ie start/pause or speaker icon to turn on the audio)
b. on the loop - it flashes the 'reload' symbol

my intent is to have a 17-minute product promo loaded after this little test video
it is 70 MB a convert PPT and short AVI merged into mp4
is there some kewl software to edi the file size and bit rate?
(in case it is too big) - it is now loaded on youtube
it only has a soft audio track - no narrative

do I need to Upload the .XAR file here?