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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Washington State

    Default Help. Xara opens full screen, no menu, more . . . re: DesignerPro X9

    Weird stuff when opening Xara last night and again today; automatically opens to full screen—too large to see colors, or menu (File, Edit, Arrange, etc). I can drag the window smaller first on right edge, then (if lucky) down on top edge ... but if I click anywhere, it goes full screen again. Can't find any "Preferences" where I might fix this. (Can't keep the menu in sight!)
    This morning I have: opened tower and un-dusted (wasn't much); virus checked Xara & hard drive; also defraged Xara pgm & entire hard drive. Opened Xara and much the same; The page I'm working on responds much faster again, however ... but the window keeps reverting to full monitor size. So frustrating!
    I'm stumped ... appreciate any help. Thanks. ~Helen~
    Helen (Xara Designer Pro X9)

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    Brockville, Ontario, Canada.

    Default Re: Help. Xara opens full screen, no menu, more . . . re: DesignerPro X9

    Press 8 on the numberpad. It toggles between Xara's two screen modes.

    From Xara's HELP files:

    Normal/full screen modes

    In normal screen mode part of the window is occupied by the title bar, menu bar, and scroll bars. This can be inconvenient if you want the maximum possible editing area. Photo & Graphic Designer has a second screen mode, fullscreen, which displays a more streamlined screen. You can configure each screen mode as you wish. For example, each can have its own configuration of the control bars. The configuration is remembered and applies whenever you swap between screen modes.

    Normal/full screen is controlled by "Window" > "Full Screen" or right click and choose Full Screen ("8" on the numeric keypad toggles between the two displays).

    To display the menu bar in full screen mode, move the pointer to the top of the screen.
    There are 10 types of people in this world .... Those who understand binary, and those who don't.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Placitas, New Mexico, USA

    Default Re: Help. Xara opens full screen, no menu, more . . . re: DesignerPro X9

    Ack! From what I have found, try Ctrl + 8 (on the numerical keyboard) Or Window > Full Screen

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    Default Re: Help. Xara opens full screen, no menu, more . . . re: DesignerPro X9

    it's ctrl+8 for me pro +, I think it changed a while back from 8, num lock needs to be on

    EDIT - no cancel that last bit - it is 8 with standard keys, and ctrl+8 with classic keys which I have set
    Nothing lasts forever...

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Washington State

    Default Re: Help. Xara opens full screen, no menu, more . . . re: DesignerPro X9

    Keith and all ... thank you. I tried #8 on keypad. Didn't do anything. I did move the mouse up to the top, and yes, a very tiny menu bar appeared! Now, home from a trip to the post office, I hit the 8 key again, harder this time, and it worked = smaller screen! THANK YOU SO MUCH! Don't know why, in __? years, yesterday was the first time Xara insisted on being in full screen mode! Okay, this time I also found _Full Screen on the Window menu. I unchecked it, for now. Thanks again. ~Helen~
    Helen (Xara Designer Pro X9)



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