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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2020
    Wiltshire, England

    Default Selective publishing to site

    Quick question: When publishing a site is it possible to choose not to upload/not upload (ftp) certain pages. e.g. if I'm working on several pages simultaneously and I complete one of the pages is there a way of uploading just the finished page, or upload the complete site without the pages still in production?

    Cheers.... mike

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2018

    Default Re: Selective publishing to site

    I can only see regret and frustration if you try to implement this idea. However, it can be done using an FTP program like FileZilla.

    Export your site to a local folder and then upload only the pages you want to from there. You would have to upload the index_htm_file folder as is though. It would be too hard to pick and choose individual graphics from within the folder.
    Upload via Xara and then FTP in using something like FileZilla and remove the pages you don't want displayed.

    The first option will leave the old pages as is, but if you change any links, repeating objects, shared graphics, or any of the black magic that lurks under the surface, your pages will fail.
    The second option will show a 404 for any links that point to the removed pages.

    Honestly...forget the whole idea. Here be dragons.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Placitas, New Mexico, USA

    Default Re: Selective publishing to site

    Agree with Chris

    While this should be an option, NetObjects Fusion, when last I used it many years ago, had a publish just this page option. But Xara does not. And frequently when you make changes, adding a photo or moving something, etc. Xara renumbers the images, and so you may have HTML referring to one image that is now pointing to an image with the right name but that is the wrong photo.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2020
    Wiltshire, England

    Default Re: Selective publishing to site

    I totally get what you're both saying about the downfalls. When I was doing this sort of stuff for a living some 20+ years ago using Dreamweaver it was quite a normal practice, especially across a large site accessed by several developers.

    My current situation is this: I'm updating a community site and part of that site has individual pages for each member to upload their biography, events etc. Each page is self contained with no external links other than an opening link from a main menu page. The site hasn't been updated for a year or two so I've asked all contributors (30+) to check their page and update the details as necessary.

    For the update process I make the changes they request, send them a screen-shot pdf to check, make further changes if required and continue the cycle until they are happy, then I upload their finished page.

    Now some people complete this cycle in a couple hours / days / weeks. So at any point in time I'm left with many pages in a half-cocked state and unable to do a site upload without shuffling around the old site pages using an external ftp app, as suggested by Chris.

    This is not a 'deal breaker' but it would be useful in my circumstances if the ability to upload an individual page was available.


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Placitas, New Mexico, USA

    Default Re: Selective publishing to site

    I've been doing www.PlacitasArtists.com for our community for 20 years. Each artist's gallery is a separate folder, over 80 artists now. And each artist's gallery is one page, though recently I have been adding mobile variants for new artists or when an artist updates her/his gallery. It is much simpler than having every gallery on one site.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2015
    Riverside, CA

    Default Re: Selective publishing to site

    What do you mean a separate 'folder'? Are they separate sites or just a dedicated page? FWIW I used NOF for quite some time and concluded it was favorable to programmers but less so to designers. My first Xara was the version just before Corel bought it. Thanks.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2020
    Wiltshire, England

    Default Re: Selective publishing to site

    That's a lovely clean looking site Gary.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Placitas, New Mexico, USA

    Default Re: Selective publishing to site

    Thanks Weeble

    Dan - The whole idea behind NetObjects Fusion was a web design program for designers and not for programmers. And for large websites I loved the flowchart file structure. But Xara was just so much easier all around and so much better for designers.

    Each artist is a separate folder so for Tricia George the link is www.placitasartists.com/t_george/ and t_george is in its own folder. I can modify/update any of the artists without having to update the entire site.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2015
    Riverside, CA

    Default Re: Selective publishing to site

    Got it. Thanks.




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