I'm finding Xara Web Designer immensely frustrating. I've finally managed to build my website with 3 variants, but I can't upload it yet because the links in my footer don't work. My footer consists of a grey box and 2 text boxes over the top of it. There are hyperlinks in one of the text boxes, but in order to get the three objects to work together as a footer, I've grouped them and made the group a push object. If I ungroup them, I can't have them all being push objects because they obvioulsy push eachother, and I end up with them separated out. I need them to be grouped so that the page will automatically extend when I add more content. However, it seems that when they are grouped, the hyperlinks don't work! I am on the verge of throwing Xara out the window, so I really hope someone has a simple solution to this infuriating problem! Thanks very much in advance.