On a recent thread it was said the OP would look at ways to load high resolution images for viewers wanting this option.
I will do as you suggest and add the ability to download the full resolution images for those who wish to examine in greater detail.
It got me thinking what would be the best way to do this.
There were a couple of ways I could think of:
  1. Load the high def images into pop-up layers. Problem with this is the content of all pop-ups are loaded on page-load, so it's a big download required even if the visitor doesn't look at them.
  2. Load each hidef image into it's own page. No issue on a small site but it could quickly become quite cumbersome if there where multiple hidef images required and very large .xar file size.

Here's my solution. It loads two javascript files, one defines functions and is only required to load once. The second is a javascript array which can contain different array files to load the images.
The demo only uses 4 images at present but they are not loaded until a thumbnail is clicked. (Unlike Highslide that loads both the thumbnail and the hi resolution image at the same time)
Each image is 2400 x 1351 px and is between 500 & 1000 Kb's in size.
The site uses fit to width which I've set to a max of 2400 px ensuring maximum resolution upto that browser size.