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Thread: many thanks

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    Default many thanks

    I am enjoying pro+

    regular updates - ok CMYK is not a big deal for me, but the rotation was, and members are obviously being listened to

    no magix !! - hey that is almost worth the sub in itself..ok on principle I'm against it, but then I spend more per year on a sub to 'the spectator' magazine... all things relative... I sure do not miss the yapping dog


    in some software it is possible to have a hotkey that makes all bounding boxes invisible whilst pressed

    any chance we could have this ?

    the only way I can see to do this now is to deselect everything - not good;

    the current setup might suit those who approach design by just shuffling cards around until they get a pattern they like, but for the rest of us they can sure get in the way whilst we are thinking the design through

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  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Placitas, New Mexico, USA

    Default Re: many thanks

    The bounding box was the game ender for me. I used the registry settings to go back to the old bounding box. With that heavy outline, even in wireframe mode, it was next to impossible to align two shapes, something I do dozens of times every day.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    Default Re: many thanks

    yes - so maybe I could also ask xara to put the switch between old and new bounding boxes into the UI - I don't care where you hide it as long as I don't need to close the program and go registry route

    I need the new handle setup for the new rotation.. but the new handles just get in the way when I am constructing
    Nothing lasts forever...




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