firstly - does your xara program work on your new computer? - you can install it on two, as you probably know, but as your update service is expired that woiuld now install at the version you last purchased - filters should be transferrable, if you have problems let us know

what I see in your PDF is a computer that may be playing up, and that may be a sign that it is time to seriously think about moving over

the magix nags acorn has just covered

are you having issues with any other programs? - if you are, that is more evidence the computer may be on the way out; if not then it might be a disk corruption / failing disk that is preventing access to XPE in the normal way

windows hiding behind others can be a sign of video or memory issue, or again a dsic issue with regard to page/swap file; it happen occasionally which is just one of those things, but if it becomes 'the norm' you should at least make sure your graphics and other drivers are up to date, run memory and disk checks

if problems persist a reinstall of the program may help, but may not; and if it is a hardware issue, it will come back