I'm hoping that somebody can help with an website issue I have with playing MP3 videos on a layer

So I have a website, need to do a Before and After videos to show the improvement made to sound proofing a hall
I have 2 layers, "Before" and "After". I import the videos so they are cached into index_html_files. Then draw a rectangle to the size of the video, and in HTML Placement section I enter

<video class="xar_meplayer" src="index_htm_files/AcousticsBeforeMPS.mp4" controls width = "85%" height="85%"/>

I do the same on the second layer only pointing to the second video file.

On the Mouse Off page, I have two text links which points to Web Properties > Link > Pop-Up Layer and I select the Before layer and another link to the After Layer

If I click on the "Before" link, the video file pops up (it doesn't auto play by choice) I click on Play and video starts.
If I exit out of the video before it finishes (by clicking on the video's upper X) the video stops and closes.

Here's the issue....If I click on the "After" link...the video pops up in the same way. BUT...if I close the video by clicking on the upper X, the video stops, pop-up closes......and the audio keeps on playing in the background! I have to open the video back up, pause it, then I can close it down

If i swap the video over so on the existing links, it does the same thing. One video opens and closes correctly, the other keeps playing on close. If I swap the text links over so the other layer is selected, I get the same issue. So its not down to differences in the videos. I even had the same video in both layers and still get the same issue.

I tried moving the video player into a different part of the website in case it makes a difference but it doesn't.

I tried
<iframe src="https://my-domain.com/media/AcousticsBeforeMPS.mp4"
width=100% height=100%
marginheight=0 marginwidth=0>

But that was just a disaster as it wanted to download it to play it!

I don't think I'm trying to do anything difficult but I'm obviously doing something wrong but surely it shouldn't be this difficult to play videos on pop out layers.

Any assistance appreciated and Thanks for your time