Hello..... new here and first post, pls bare with.....

Wanting to build a community information site with 5 or 6 pages, both text and some pictures. Wanting the site to be PC ready and also smartphone and tablet friendly.

Have read some of the posts on this and screen stuff and confused on some details. Seems Web Variants are used. Do I build the pc pages then enable variants? Do I have to flag everything I put on the PC page to auto copy to the variant? When I edit text on the PC page will it automatically change on the variants / how to make it do this.

See mention of Scale to Fit but not finding good answer in the help. What does it do for this need?

Went with Xara in part due to the ability to have smartphone and tablet friendly pages without manually creating three different pages.

Can someone kindly summarize the basic setup needs and steps? Some intro pointers or such?

thank you very much for answer and some direction!