Xara has failed to replace the moribund MSIE instance that holds it Desktop application back.
When you Preview a website, you render all your lovely work into a MSIEv11 instance and immediately find things don't work.

You can click through to a different locally installed browser and if you look at the address bar, you will see you are being served back your website through Xara-built in web server.This too sadly is so old and unsupported, it is truly worrying.

It is possible to install a web server on your local machine but i have found these to be quite complex to manage.

I recently found this clever nugget:

  1. Download from
  2. Install.
  3. For any of your Xara designs, Export website to a local folder, note the folder.
  4. Run Fenix > Web Server > New, browse to the Folder > Create.
  5. That's it.

You can Start/Stop/Modify Server and Launch into your default web browser.
You can have almost unlimited servers running at the same time.
The web server just handles HTML, JS and CSS, exactly what Xara delivers.
A fruitful union.

You can enable a Public View and you get an SSH local tunnel from your machine to the Internet with a secure connection that can be shared with anyone (your client).
Changing things on the fly is a breeze and as you are at the top level, you can see all your published assets.

I have just completed a job that took 2 and a half days, made all the easier with this simple tool.
If I tried with Xara Cloud, i would still be there.

It is not a publishing solution but it is ideal for collaboration.
For TG, a member could set up a local folder publish to it and add the design file, all the work of seconds.
There are so many useful workflows I can realise with this.
