John, from the top:

Orange bar - Stretch to width.
HTC - five styles! - Bold, Italic, Regular and two spurious non-breaking space.
Social icons - drop onto the same line as the NavBar.
Top bar - make Sticky and set the backdrop and indents to Stretch to width.
Splash image - Stretch to width, fixed at Top.
Page shadow - remove.
Pasteboard background - change colour to blend with menu bar.
Next Up - make White and align with Theatre and on top of the dark areas in the splash image.
Faces - square off to the same size, strip off border (Lesley) in the same style as the Past Performances images.
White base - lose all that white with a lighter shade of the background instead.
Subscribe page - restore menubar and splash and edging.
Footer - add one that balances the page top as in the News page.
About page - there is a difference between a Message and a CV. Titles should all be in the same position

Mobile - Past Performance page - there is a coding problem here as it is skewed to the left.

Up the page width to 1240px and refit the material.
In Web Export Options, up the max scaling to 1600px.
