Quote Originally Posted by marjorie View Post
I would like to fix this as well, however, since I have so many pages it's so much easier to click "ok" on the warning and move on, then it is to go through the tedious steps suggested above. WAY back in the day when I worked with MS Publisher they would suggest a replacement font to correct this and you would never see the error warning again. It seems like something Xara should put on their to-do list.
majjorie, to be clear xara already has this built into Xara Designer Pro under Names > Used Fonts, where a total selection allows the Fonts selector to change the font to another.

In Xara Web Designer (Premium), you have the ability to create Styles. Set a Style to have a particular Font and the replacement or location of a Font is tedious but straightforward.

My offered alternative approaches were to be more analytic and pinpoint down to a single glyph, like a bullet.

Don't overlook File > document Info for a final checkout.
