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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2020

    Default Cannot get mouseover/pop-up layers to work with Xara 16/17

    Hi - really hope someone can help - just spent a whole day getting nowhere.

    Have a multi-page website designed in Xara 16/17. One page has 15 images of products on. We're trying to make is so that when a customer does a mouseover of those images - they automatically expand to show more detail of the product [fabrics].

    If we add an enlarged image to the MouseOver layer and then soft group it with the image on the MouseOff layer - it works fine. But we can only get one of those 15 images to work this way. Adding more images - means that that all come up together.

    Instead we've been trying to create a number of new layers, embedding the larger images in those - and then linking them to the individual pictures of products on the MouseOff layer. "Pop-up layers". But no success.

    The online tutorials aren't helping - and neither is the enormous Xara User Manual.

    This is what we're doing:

    1. Copy the image from the MouseOff layer on the relevant page.
    2. Create a new named layer in the 'page and layer gallery'. This is always above the MouseOver layer - which in turn is above the MouseOff layer.
    3. The image is then pasted into the new layer. We then drag it to make it bigger.
    4. We go back to the MouseOff layer and right click on the original image.
    5. The select 'Web Animations'
    6. On the 'mouse-over' tab we select 'Fade' for the mouse over effect, then select the 'pop-up layer' we created at 2. above.

    We then preview the page - and the mouseover effect does not work.

    We've tried all sorts of variations on and around the sequence above. Sometimes not clicking the mouse over effect, sometime hiding the layers, adding in fresh images, etc., etc.

    Part of the problem is that we can't find any video tutorial or written help that shows examples that look exactly like our version of Xara.

    Perhaps someone can spot something dumb that we're doing - or may be able to point us in the right direction for a good tutorial.

    Would be really grateful.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    SW England

    Info Re: Cannot get mouseover/pop-up layers to work with Xara 16/17

    Quote Originally Posted by Bunzena View Post
    Hi - really hope someone can help - just spent a whole day getting nowhere.

    Have a multi-page website designed in Xara 16/17. One page has 15 images of products on. We're trying to make is so that when a customer does a mouseover of those images - they automatically expand to show more detail of the product [fabrics].

    If we add an enlarged image to the MouseOver layer and then soft group it with the image on the MouseOff layer - it works fine. But we can only get one of those 15 images to work this way. Adding more images - means that that all come up together.

    Instead we've been trying to create a number of new layers, embedding the larger images in those - and then linking them to the individual pictures of products on the MouseOff layer. "Pop-up layers". But no success.

    The online tutorials aren't helping - and neither is the enormous Xara User Manual.

    This is what we're doing:

    1. Copy the image from the MouseOff layer on the relevant page.
    2. Create a new named layer in the 'page and layer gallery'. This is always above the MouseOver layer - which in turn is above the MouseOff layer.
    3. The image is then pasted into the new layer. We then drag it to make it bigger.
    4. We go back to the MouseOff layer and right click on the original image.
    5. The select 'Web Animations'
    6. On the 'mouse-over' tab we select 'Fade' for the mouse over effect, then select the 'pop-up layer' we created at 2. above.

    We then preview the page - and the mouseover effect does not work.

    We've tried all sorts of variations on and around the sequence above. Sometimes not clicking the mouse over effect, sometime hiding the layers, adding in fresh images, etc., etc.

    Part of the problem is that we can't find any video tutorial or written help that shows examples that look exactly like our version of Xara.

    Perhaps someone can spot something dumb that we're doing - or may be able to point us in the right direction for a good tutorial.

    Would be really grateful.
    Tried a few examples, just how you describe:
    Xara - Mouse Over Effects.xar

    All works as expected.

    Have you tried Run as administrator as the application might not be fully bedded in?

    Acorn - installed Xara software: Cloud+/Pro+ and most others back through time (to CC's Artworks). Contact for technical remediation/consultancy for your web designs.
    When we provide assistance, your responses are valuable as they benefit the community. TG Nuggets you might like. Report faults: Xara Cloud+/Pro+/Magix Legacy; Xara KB & Chat

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2020

    Default Re: Cannot get mouseover/pop-up layers to work with Xara 16/17

    Hi Acorn

    First of all - thanks so much for responding. What you've produced is pretty close to what we're after - and does, of course - work.

    I'll have to pick apart how you're doing this when I'm fully awake. Can you give me any pointers as to how you've achieved this?

    I'll also try running XWD as an admin - as you suggest.

    It looks as if you've created this example in XWD 15. Is that right?

    Thanks again.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    SW England

    Info Re: Cannot get mouseover/pop-up layers to work with Xara 16/17

    Quote Originally Posted by Bunzena View Post
    Hi Acorn
    First of all - thanks so much for responding. What you've produced is pretty close to what we're after - and does, of course - work.
    I'll have to pick apart how you're doing this when I'm fully awake. Can you give me any pointers as to how you've achieved this?
    I'll also try running XWD as an admin - as you suggest.
    It looks as if you've created this example in XWD 15. Is that right?
    Thanks again.
    Bunzena, I did little different to your description other than adding some Web Animation effects.

    I made my design file a Supersite Transitions one but this would not affect the steps for the rollovers.

    index page
    • Dragged and sized the default image onto MouseOff.
    • Clone and scaled and moved into a new layer, DefaultImage.
    • Clone both and flipped and placed largeer one into its layer, DefaultImageFlipped.
    • [Layers could have been named anything, just about and can be changed at any time]
    • Selected each MouseOff shape and in Web animation > Mouse-over > Show pop-up layer, added respective bigger image.
    • [All shapes could be anything]
    • Pressed the Effect button and added a Transition effect.
    • Crucially, all applied detail here needed to be OK-ed or Apply-ed to ensure they are set up.

    index-a page
    • Did the same but for only one shape, one layer and a different effect.
    • [To prove Supersite settings did not break anything]

    index-b page
    • Simply put larger shapes on MouseOver layer, with no overlap.
    • Smaller thumbs on MouseOff layer need to overlap with the larger shape by at least 50% area.
    • Added a # Link to all elements to activate the roll-over.
    • Veyy basic as no transitions and no grouping.
    • [Just to show another approach, no transition other than a default simple Fade In/Out]

    Presented file was made in Pro+ so will have alerted you on loading into v16/v17.
    It was a Xar file. Again, XWDP handles these with no issue.

    Acorn - installed Xara software: Cloud+/Pro+ and most others back through time (to CC's Artworks). Contact for technical remediation/consultancy for your web designs.
    When we provide assistance, your responses are valuable as they benefit the community. TG Nuggets you might like. Report faults: Xara Cloud+/Pro+/Magix Legacy; Xara KB & Chat

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2020

    Default Re: Cannot get mouseover/pop-up layers to work with Xara 16/17

    Acorn - just wanted to follow-up on the original posting.

    Firstly to say 'thank you' for your input and help.

    Secondly, to say we did eventually find what we were doing wrong.

    When we created the additional layers for the popups - we named them using an ampersand. For example 'Acorns & Oaks - Damson' to signify the fabric colour and name.

    What we weren't aware of is that if you use an '&' symbol in the layer name - it will not work as a pop-up.

    I guess it must be some sort of reserved symbol. I could not see this mentioned anywhere in the Xara manual - but I may simply have missed it.

    Change the pop-up layer name to 'Acorns and Oaks - Damson' - and everything works as it should do.

    Hey ho.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2018

    Default Re: Cannot get mouseover/pop-up layers to work with Xara 16/17

    Really admire your sleuthing skills on this one. There would have been bits of keyboard spread over a 2km radius if it was my problem.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2020

    Cool Re: Cannot get mouseover/pop-up layers to work with Xara 16/17

    Quote Originally Posted by Chris M View Post
    Really admire your sleuthing skills on this one. There would have been bits of keyboard spread over a 2km radius if it was my problem.
    Thanks Chris. Can't afford any more keyboards!

    There was a gap of 2 months where I just gave up and sulked. Came back to the problem yesterday and just stumbled on it by accident.

    But isn't that how most of the world's greatest discoveries happen?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    SW England

    Default Re: Cannot get mouseover/pop-up layers to work with Xara 16/17

    Gosh, I thought everyone knew that !()£$€%^*[]{}`¬¦#;:@~\|? were all valid and &<> weren't.

    Seriously, it is probably in the pocket of a long-gone developer as to why. Probably too hard to filter out with Regex unless you know what you are doing.

    Anyhow, we all now know.

    In passing, ! (Pling or Bang) at the beginning of a layer name ensures the assets are always published even when not set up as a Pop-up layer and the layer is hidden.

    Layer with a Bang (!) prefix to the Layer Name Even when the Layer is hidden, it gets published and the Objects are visible. Useful in design mode to reduce screen clutter but still get the correct site published.

    Acorn - installed Xara software: Cloud+/Pro+ and most others back through time (to CC's Artworks). Contact for technical remediation/consultancy for your web designs.
    When we provide assistance, your responses are valuable as they benefit the community. TG Nuggets you might like. Report faults: Xara Cloud+/Pro+/Magix Legacy; Xara KB & Chat

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jul 2020

    Default Re: Cannot get mouseover/pop-up layers to work with Xara 16/17

    Acorn. That made me laugh out loud!

    Just goes to show that every is a school day. As you say - somewhere in the code...

    The good news is that everything is working - and once again, thanks for your help.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    Default Re: Cannot get mouseover/pop-up layers to work with Xara 16/17

    Gosh, I thought everyone knew that !()£$€%^*[]{}`¬¦#;:@~\|? were all valid and &<> weren't.
    on an aside - I remember spitting blood years ago because windows will not let you use the file name aux

    con and nul are also out [there are a couple of dozen or so in total as I recall]
    Nothing lasts forever...



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