Hi - really hope someone can help - just spent a whole day getting nowhere.

Have a multi-page website designed in Xara 16/17. One page has 15 images of products on. We're trying to make is so that when a customer does a mouseover of those images - they automatically expand to show more detail of the product [fabrics].

If we add an enlarged image to the MouseOver layer and then soft group it with the image on the MouseOff layer - it works fine. But we can only get one of those 15 images to work this way. Adding more images - means that that all come up together.

Instead we've been trying to create a number of new layers, embedding the larger images in those - and then linking them to the individual pictures of products on the MouseOff layer. "Pop-up layers". But no success.

The online tutorials aren't helping - and neither is the enormous Xara User Manual.

This is what we're doing:

1. Copy the image from the MouseOff layer on the relevant page.
2. Create a new named layer in the 'page and layer gallery'. This is always above the MouseOver layer - which in turn is above the MouseOff layer.
3. The image is then pasted into the new layer. We then drag it to make it bigger.
4. We go back to the MouseOff layer and right click on the original image.
5. The select 'Web Animations'
6. On the 'mouse-over' tab we select 'Fade' for the mouse over effect, then select the 'pop-up layer' we created at 2. above.

We then preview the page - and the mouseover effect does not work.

We've tried all sorts of variations on and around the sequence above. Sometimes not clicking the mouse over effect, sometime hiding the layers, adding in fresh images, etc., etc.

Part of the problem is that we can't find any video tutorial or written help that shows examples that look exactly like our version of Xara.

Perhaps someone can spot something dumb that we're doing - or may be able to point us in the right direction for a good tutorial.

Would be really grateful.