Corel's new investors are smokin' crack. It's not a sustainable price structure. Version 2019 was, from all/every account, unusable. To have reasonable pricing, one needed to pay $249 + a $99 "upgrade protection" fee. Thereafter CD cost $99/yr. Version 2020 has less bugs, but they are there.

I got off the CD merry-go-round at version 2018 as I refused to pay the roughly $350 to get 2019 (which I wouldn't have been able to use anyway due to bugs and removed functionality. Upgrades had been roughly $175 (and sometimes less) for several versions but ended at v.2018.

Illustrator as a single app subscription is $20, but Adobe can be talked down a smidge. The whole CC suite can be had for about $35 to $50, depending on if one can get a deal. I do get ID jobs once in a blue moon and cannot use my CS6--I do subscribe for a month. Though I haven't need to rent for a few years now and just use QXP.