I am using Web Designer 11 Premium. ( DL x64 Dec 9 2015)

I have inserted a table widget (the only one available) from the online content catalog on a page. Inserting & editing the textual data works fine.

My problem:

The text I want displayed in the table widgets rows & columns are often quite large numbers: i.e. "32,684,254". The table data is by default "comma delimited", so being forced to enter 32684254 without any comma's makes it extremely difficult to read. I have tried entering 32.684.254 using periods which solves (sort of) my visual separation/comprehension problem, but then column sorting doesn't work correctly.

Is there a way for me to enter the data WITH the commas at every 1,000 and not have each comma's text be displayed under the next column????

Is there perhaps a character in a different font that looks like a comma but it's hex code ISN'T coded as a comma?

Is there an equally easy to use table widget available through XARA (or anywhere else) that is NOT comma delimited?