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  1. #1

    Default selecting layers

    I have Designer Pro X 16 and I ran into a situation that I've never had. I was working on my project and wanted to add additional layers but when I clicked on the new layer tab I got 100 more layers I tried to find a way to select all and get rid of them but can't get that to work and I don't particularly want to delete them all manually. Is there a way to get around this tedious exercise in futility.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2018
    Barnes, London

    Default Re: selecting layers

    Quote Originally Posted by Manny View Post
    I have Designer Pro X 16 and I ran into a situation that I've never had. I was working on my project and wanted to add additional layers but when I clicked on the new layer tab I got 100 more layers I tried to find a way to select all and get rid of them but can't get that to work and I don't particularly want to delete them all manually. Is there a way to get around this tedious exercise in futility.

    One possible solution is to revert to your last clean backup before the issue: File/Open Recent/ Backups. Check the same issue does not reoccur before proceeding; if for any reason it does, best restart with a clean page, or try prior backups.


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    Default Re: selecting layers

    are you using a wacom if so it is a known issue that multiple layers can open - on my phone so cant get details - i dont think multiple selection of layers possible
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