Quote Originally Posted by louyo View Post
Sorry for being in the slow group. I upgraded to XDPX last August. So what are my $$ if I decide to go with the cloud + thingie. I don't understand these:
Xara Cloud & Designer Pro+ * sole Subscription by Year £102.00 £204.00 £204.00 £204.00 £714.00
Xara-owned Subscription Model Subscription by Month £138.00 £276.00 £276.00 £276.00

Louyo, for argument, say you will bought in at v16.1 and are currently using v17.0:
  1. You could use it for nothing without the Update Service from September 2020 at v17.0...
  2. You could use it for nothing without the Update Service from September 2020 at v16.1 if you are forced to re-install...
  3. You could spend £100 and renew the Upgrade Service and start again for another year at v17/v18, depended on what Xara has upissued to. (1) & (2) then replay up to September 2021 and you choose again.
  4. You could take up Xara's 50% discount offer now and pay £100 for on year's subscription. Annual renewal would be £200 thereafter. Xara might offer to align your remaining 5 month Update Service somehow. That is between you and Xara.
  5. You could keep your current XDPX and dip in at monthly-paid rates to access Pro+ for specific projects so options (1), (2) or (3) could be in play.

The bottom line is if you keep current with XDPX it costs you £100/y, If you choose the Pro+ route is it £200/y with £100 off the first year.
You have a range of choices from £0 to £200 and you can buy back in for XDPX at £100/y (a trail of perpetual licences) or subscribe £25/m or £200/y for the Cloud.
