Kate, thank you for advising this new subscription.

Getting the best from this subscription offer is quite complex so do correct my analysis. I have rounded some figures slightly.

The Monthly subscription (£23/m) can be viewed as a powerful and cheap approach to a time-driven delivery for an experience Xara web designer to gain access both XDP+ (a.k.a., XDPX; you do love the confusing terminology) and Xara Cloud Pro+ (a.k.a., Xara Cloud Pro).
I would pitch my early designs to my client using a "perpetually-owned" earlier copy of XDPX so I could maximise the utility of interaction and non-web product creation within a one-month period.
After delivery, ongoing support could be chosen from: Do Nothing (£0), Do Enough with XDPX (£0), Maintenance Month (£25), Update Service of XDPX (One-off £100), switch to Annual Pro+ (£200). All Support costs to the client could be simply pro-rata with me absorbing described costs.
Clearly with more than one client, there is more benefit in my moving up into your full annual subscription.

It is interesting that you effectively value XDPX (£50/y), when bundled in.

For the most economical bundle, you are delivering Xara Cloud Pro for £100/y extra, assuming your XDPX Customers might otherwise have paid into the Update Service (£100/y).

With your initial 50% discount (£100), it is therefore to everyone's advantage to give Xara Cloud+ (Xara Cloud Pro+ & Xara Designer Pro+) a try-out as the cost is identical to the current Update Service cost (£100).
[Yes, it is actually £2 more].
Individuals could rekindle their "perpetually-owned" XDPX with a Update Service renewal (£100) at the end of the first year thereby losing nothing but possibly gaining a love for the Cloud.

The two major understated parts to the subscription model are: (1) Magix is no longer around; (2) XDA updates should be as quick as the ones on Xara Cloud (@ v.74 so far) as both XDA and Cloud need to be in synch.

Y1 Y2 Y3 Y4
Xara Cloud Pro Annual £78.00 £156.00 £156.00 £156.00 £546.00
Monthly £228.00 £228.00 £228.00 £228.00
Xara Designer Pro X Purchase £199.00
Update Service £100.00 £100.00 £100.00
Mixed Purchase & Subscription Outlay by Year £277.00 £256.00 £256.00 £256.00 £1,045.00
with Magix Involvement Outlay by Month £427.00 £328.00 £328.00 £328.00
Xara Cloud & Designer Pro+ * sole Subscription by Year £102.00 £204.00 £204.00 £204.00 £714.00
Xara-owned Subscription Model Subscription by Month £138.00 £276.00 £276.00 £276.00

P.S. As an aside I seem to be the trailblazer for the approach as I "bought into it" by chance a few months ago as I advised on TG. I have clients, I can afford it and I know the cost of a bail out is a £100 Update service renewal.