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Thread: Font management

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2016
    Queensland, Australia

    Default Font management

    Hello all,
    I have trouble with working across two computers when it comes to managing fonts.

    I do most of my design work on a desktop PC but when I travel I use a laptop to do website maintenance and updates. The problem is that my fonts are not syncronised across the two computers and using Designer Pro on the laptop ends up substituting missing fonts and I end up with not the look that was part of the design. Correction takes time.

    I have tried copying fonts from the desktop to the laptop but that has failed to solve the problem.

    A google search shows that I am not alone with this problem but there does not seem to be a simple solution. And I am not sure that a paid for piece of software will be the answer either.

    What do the rest of you fellows do?

    Cheers, and stay safe.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2018

    Default Re: Font management

    Open the xar/web file and click the Text Tool. Click the drop down menu where you choose a different font, scroll to the top and take note of the Used Fonts.

    On the same computer go to C:\Windows\Fonts and copy the fonts.
    On the second computer paste the fonts, highlight them all, right click > install

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2016
    Queensland, Australia

    Default Re: Font management

    Thanks for the reply Chris. You have provided a solution that will work. It just requires me to be diligent in noting down the fonts used. It is not just Designer Pro that I am working with so I have to keep note of the fonts used across a number of publications I produce and maintain.

    I was kind of hoping that there would be a simpler/easier way to keep fonts used syncronised between 2 or more computers.

    Thanks again for taking the time to reply.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    Default Re: Font management

    you can synchronise fonts across workgroups so I guess you can do what you want, using the cloud; I don't do it, but I know it can be done - but you will need to buy third party software to do it I think, google may throw up some ideas
    Nothing lasts forever...

  5. #5

    Default Re: Font management

    A good free font management program is Nexusfont (http://www.xiles.net/). As such, it does not do the actual synchronizing of fonts between computers, but you can use it to group and copy your collection of fonts to a suitable folder, and activate and deactivate them while they still are there (normal practice with, e.g., Type 1 fonts which like to reside in C:\psfonts). Simply zip the files in your font collection folder, and if font licensing does not hamper this, copy them to another computer.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2016
    Queensland, Australia

    Default Re: Font management

    Thank you Handrawn and Lex, you have some ideas for me to chase down. It seems that good housekeeping and dilligence with font install/uninstall is the simplest and lowest cost way.

    Thanks again,




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