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  1. #11
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    Brockville, Ontario, Canada.

    Default Re: Please show me a great webpage made with xara.

    Could I suggest gwpriester.com
    There are 10 types of people in this world .... Those who understand binary, and those who don't.

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    SW England

    Default Re: Please show me a great webpage made with xara.

    Quote Originally Posted by gwpriester View Post
    Thank Gary, that is the word I was striving for.

    Acorn - installed Xara software: Cloud+/Pro+ and most others back through time (to CC's Artworks). Contact for technical remediation/consultancy for your web designs.
    When we provide assistance, your responses are valuable as they benefit the community. TG Nuggets you might like. Report faults: Xara Cloud+/Pro+/Magix Legacy; Xara KB & Chat

  3. #13
    Join Date
    May 2002

    Default Re: Please show me a great webpage made with xara.

    I really do not want to brag by showing my work. But here are few client sites done with xara.



  4. #14
    Join Date
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    Michigan at the moment

    Default Re: Please show me a great webpage made with xara.

    Quote Originally Posted by behzad View Post
    I really do not want to brag by showing my work. But here are few client sites done with xara.
    I don't believe it is bragging giving the OP what he is looking for! Looked at both sites and thought they are both good examples of what can be done, I wish my sites were good enough examples that I felt like offering them up but they are to simple. Thank you for offering up good examples and that goes for Gary's site also!

  5. #15
    Join Date
    Dec 2018

    Default Re: Please show me a great webpage made with xara.

    I've tried a few other site creation tools, including WordPress (which I find one of the more annoying and fiddly ones), but keep reverting back to Xara. I honestly can't say why, but it's my go to. I only use WP when the customer wants a CMS solution. I'm never satisfied with the end results when using WP, although that's my lack of enthusiasm rather than a WP fault.


  6. #16
    Join Date
    Dec 2014
    San Diego

    Default Re: Please show me a great webpage made with xara.

    'Responsive design' is quite silly as a concept. At what point is someone going to literally load up a website on a pc then suddenly shoot it over their cell phone? You're really designing two sites and of those two sites, you'll be doing two different things. I don't want to read a long diatribe if I'm on a phone and I don't want to watch some stupid presentation if I'm on my underpowered PC (seriously there's a lot of websites that kick my fan on these days because they just waste resources to put words on screen...it's madenning).

    Overall, the internet's design philosophies make absolutely no sense. It's like...imagine releasing a Shakespear play IN FULL and every sentence is a separate page complete with a pop up book. That's how the internet generally operates on a technical level. It's absurd.

    Seriously, just make two sites. You can still reuse assets in a folder by both mobile and desktop versions.

    Sorry, I just used this space to harp on about how web-browsers, designers, languages, etc. all of it is just absolutely hackey garbage by a tech pop culture that'd rather market themselves than actually design anything worth more than a pile of dog poo.
    See my some of artwork and hear some of my music at www.kniteforcerevolution.com

  7. #17
    Join Date
    Sep 2000
    Bracknell, UK

    Default Re: Please show me a great webpage made with xara.

    Quote Originally Posted by hseiken View Post
    'Responsive design' is quite silly as a concept.
    Err.. no! Absolutely not!

    At what point is someone going to literally load up a website on a pc then suddenly shoot it over their cell phone? You're really designing two sites and of those two sites, you'll be doing two different things.
    Err.. yes! Absolutely!

    So how can you be wrong, completely wrong and then right?

    First of all responsive websites adapt to the width they have available. The elements making up the website will adapt their widths according to the size of the container in which they fit. Some of those elements may have a fixed size or be a fixed ratio. So if a user resizes the browser, typically the text in a text box will reflow to adjust to the size available. The page height may get longer or shorter. It's not WYSIWYG. In Xara the adaptive approach means the text size is fixed and will not reflow because the page is a fixed size.

    Now imagine a design that had a text box with a long passage of text that occupied the page width. That would look great on a mobile phone in portrait orientation. It would look terrible on a desktop with great long lines of text - very hard to read.

    Some HTML frameworks control the layout. So a desktop design with four horizontal elements would present them stacked one on top of another in a mobile design and if they were text, they would fill the available width.

    So responsive design can work superbly within a framework and with some control over minimum width etc.

    Not only do responsive designs adapt to the width of the browser, they don't used fixed positioning like Xara, so they adapt to the width and the elements flow.

    Now to your second point, which is really the reason for your opening comment..

    As you say a mobile design should not incorporate the same elements as a desktop version - I agree completely. Xara makes this possible by using variants to switch fixed size designs according to the browser width. Fine.

    What I think you are missing is that responsive designs can do exactly the same! Responsive designs do that by switching designs in exactly the same way Xara does by using media queries to present different responsive page designs according to page width breakpoints.


    So I hope you'll change your mind about the evil of responsive design. It's not one design suits all devices.

    [ I have no clue about the rest of your rant! Made no sense to me. ]

  8. #18
    Join Date
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    Placitas, New Mexico, USA

    Default Re: Please show me a great webpage made with xara.

    Paul - While I more often than not are on the same page with you, I respectfully disagree.

    Yes, it is a swell idea for a design to adjust to the width of the browser. But my guess is only a tiny fraction of web designers can really pull this off with a design that looks good at any width. So most responsive sites may look best at certain widths, but they might look like a dog's breakfast at other widths.

    If you design 2 or three variants, then the browser can select the most appropriate for that width and the design integrity will remain true to the designer's design.

    To be sure this requires more work on the part of the designer. But the text that looks great on a full screen browser might not look as great on my wife's iPhone SE. And the amount of text might be appropriate for a large browser but look more like Proust on a cell phone.

    I am not doing a lot of web design these days. But when I do, I prefer to edit and tailor the content to the device as a means of retaining control over my design.

    You are an excellent designer, Paul and I respect that. As we used to say back in the 60s, Different strokes for different folks

  9. #19
    Join Date
    Sep 2000
    Bracknell, UK

    Default Re: Please show me a great webpage made with xara.

    Quote Originally Posted by gwpriester View Post
    Paul - While I more often than not are on the same page with you, I respectfully disagree.

    Yes, it is a swell idea for a design to adjust to the width of the browser. But my guess is only a tiny fraction of web designers can really pull this off with a design that looks good at any width. So most responsive sites may look best at certain widths, but they might look like a dog's breakfast at other widths.

    If you design 2 or three variants, then the browser can select the most appropriate for that width and the design integrity will remain true to the designer's design.

    To be sure this requires more work on the part of the designer. But the text that looks great on a full screen browser might not look as great on my wife's iPhone SE. And the amount of text might be appropriate for a large browser but look more like Proust on a cell phone.

    I am not doing a lot of web design these days. But when I do, I prefer to edit and tailor the content to the device as a means of retaining control over my design.

    You are an excellent designer, Paul and I respect that. As we used to say back in the 60s, Different strokes for different folks
    Gary please read my post again!

    Responsive design does not mean using one design for all sizes.

    responsive design means adapting to the available space, so a media query is used to switch between alternative responsive designs.

    My designs are responsive, but they usually have three versions to cater for mobile, tablet and desktop.

    In my post above is a link that demonstrates how it works.

    Xara uses fixed placement, my designs use a flow so some parts are identical between all widths because the layout framework I use will stack elements. It’s very different to Xara.

    We actually agree - different designs for different widths. Responsive design does not mean one-size-fits-all.

  10. #20
    Join Date
    May 2002

    Default Re: Please show me a great webpage made with xara.

    @Gypsyjoe thanks




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