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  1. #11
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    Default Re: Interesting things to know and Bravo to the Spanish and Italians.

    can't be newkie brown then thats gnat's ....
    Nothing lasts forever...

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    SW England

    Default Re: Interesting things to know and Bravo to the Spanish and Italians.

    Quote Originally Posted by handrawn View Post
    can't be newkie brown then thats gnat's ....
    I used to love warm Newkie Brown as a student. The best I had was in the Redesdale Arms, Otterburn when we had 16 foot snow drifts.

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  3. #13
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    Default Re: Interesting things to know and Bravo to the Spanish and Italians.

    why aye marra, bur 'appen tis watter nex tuh theakstons owld peculiar...

    [or if you can still get it, magnet old ale]

    some lovely moorland up there, need to be careful where you tread in places though ..
    Nothing lasts forever...

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Jun 2018

    Default Re: Interesting things to know and Bravo to the Spanish and Italians.

    Let us pray for the world.
    Number of cases increases everyday.

  5. #15
    Join Date
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    Bracknell, UK

    Default Re: Interesting things to know and Bravo to the Spanish and Italians.

    The virus progresses in the UK and after visiting the pharmacy yesterday, and seeing how people are behaving, made me see a united UK unlike the one we've seen in recent years. Everyone queuing outside the pharmacy, separating themselves by the 2M so the virus will not transmit. Waitinging for one person to come out so the next can enter.

    Then last night, just as we have seen in other countries, everyone outside applauding and showing thanks for our extraordinary health service, that will help you regardless of the size of your bank account and not send a bill afterwards. Thank god we have a free health service.

    Very proud to be living in the UK and very proud of how the nation and our neighbours are behaving. 600,000 people have volunteered to provide non-medical help to our health and care staff. Taxi drivers delivering medicine free of charge.

    Why any country would reject a health service that cares for everyone regardless of the size of their wallet is beyond me. Thank god for our NHS.

    Thank you Britain.



  6. #16
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    Default Re: Interesting things to know and Bravo to the Spanish and Italians.

    Quote Originally Posted by pauland View Post

    Why any country would reject a health service that cares for everyone regardless of the size of their wallet is beyond me. Thank god for our NHS.
    I'm from the good old USA and I have been wondering the same thing for a long time now!!!! Maybe after this is all said and done people here will wake up and see that it should be that way here also!!!!

  7. #17
    Join Date
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    Harwich, Essex, England

    Default Re: Interesting things to know and Bravo to the Spanish and Italians.

    Couldn't agree more with you there Paul
    I've had reason to use the NHS for many occasions over the past three and a half years, as has my wife for an far longer period. At no time have I needed to worry about a bill or needed to contact an insurance company.

    Both my youngest daughter & eldest grandaughter work in the NHS and whilst I worry myself sick for their safety during this current time I am exceptionally proud of what they are doing.

    Another thing that is overlooked is that the NHS is a single entity with the vast majority of our health care being provided by this one body. It's not hochpotch of profit orientated abulance services / hospitals etc.

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  8. #18
    Join Date
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    Bracknell, UK

    Default Re: Interesting things to know and Bravo to the Spanish and Italians.

    Quote Originally Posted by Egg Bramhill View Post
    I've had reason to use the NHS for many occasions over the past three and a half years, as has my wife for an far longer period. At no time have I needed to worry about a bill or needed to contact an insurance company.[

    Both my youngest daughter & eldest grandaughter work in the NHS and whilst I worry myself sick for their safety during this current time I am exceptionally proud of what they are doing.

    Another thing that is overlooked is that the NHS is a single entity with the vast majority of our health care being provided by this one body. It's not hochpotch of profit orientated abulance services / hospitals etc.
    Egg you have every reason to be proud of your family working for the NHS, we all are very proud of them.

    In the past my wife was seriously ill, spent five months in hospital, and if we worked collectively for ten lifetimes we could never have afforded the cost of her treatment. Nor could we have afforded the cost of her on-going treatment or ever had medical cover for it.

    Whenever I visit a doctor or nurse at the NHS, I thank them for being there and I tell them that they are appreciated even if most people never say so and some give them a hard time.

    Yesterday I went shopping as my wife had a routine long-standing appointment. The Nurse was completely covered and showed my wife how to do the very minor procedure herself and handed her the sterile equipment required to do it the next time ( just a regular injection ), she made her do the scheduled injection in front of her. So she won't need to go to the surgery next time around.

    It was a different atmosphere on my visit to the supermarket. They had put out markers for people to queue at a safe distance. The guy in front of me was super nervous, wearing gloves with plastic gloves over the top. At the head of the queue a security card controlled when we could enter. They were keeping the number of shoppers inside controlled so people could have space around themselves.

    At the entrance a spray was available to spray the handle of the trolley. I used it as did the guy before me. I sprayed it on my hands too (though the cross-contamination point was the spray bottle).

    Walking around the store ( it was late afternoon) there was plenty to buy, so definitely nobody was going to starve, though if you went inside with a specific recipe you might have a problem. Toilet roll? No. Kitchen roll? yes (think two toilet rolls stuck together, siamese twin style, waiting for you to liberate them). Canned meat? No. Flour? No. But I could feast on pretty much everything else.

    I particularly only took what was required to stock us up for a few days, always leaving plenty for another shopper rather than attempting to hoard. I actually felt guilty for taking anything.

    The atmosphere was strange. One lady had a coat with a very high collar. She kept that up, keeping her mouth close. It was the kind of atmosphere where none of us wanted to be there, yet we needed to be and we felt guilty for breathing and were sure of keeping a reasonable distance from our fellow shoppers.

    When we had done our shopping, there was a queuing system at the far end of the store. On the floor marks showed us where to stand as we queued to exit. We all stood in line separated by 2M. When we reached the head of the queue, a store supervisor called us forward when a checkout became free, so nobody queued closely at the tills and ony half the tills were operational so at ant time there was always a good distance between customers. The checkout operators wore gloves.

    I chatted with the girl on checkout. She had children and I thanked her for being there.

    We exited through the now unused coffee shop, so there was no pinch-point for customers to be forced to be close to each other.

    I was so impressed by the organisation and so proud of the country and the people going out every day keeping it going and keeping us safe.

    First thing we do on getting home, is wash our hands!

    I apologise for the long post. I know some will think - so you went to the supermarket, so what? I just wanted to give an idea of how things are here in the UK and to give anyone outside of the UK an idea of how amazing the organisation is at our supermarket ( it will be similar at big supermarkets across the country ), not every supermarket will be as well organised, particularly small corner stores.

    That's it.

    Be proud, Egg.


  9. #19
    Join Date
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    Harwich, Essex, England

    Default Re: Interesting things to know and Bravo to the Spanish and Italians.

    Thanks Paul

    We've been in lock-down for two weeks today so I've not been to any shops whatsoever, only walking the dog once a day on the promanade (which is wide enough to socially distance). It's a pain especially with at least another minimum of 10 weeks of the same ahead. Fortunately my eldest daughter lives nearby and she's fetching our shopping for us. She had the same experience even down to a one way only arrows in the store. Her and her family have just come out of lock-down as her husband & then she, had the covid 19 symptoms. With her out of action I was amazed how her circle of friends filled the gap bringing us groceries etc. Truly beatiful.

    Keep safe the both of you, Paul.


    Minis Forum UM780XTX AMD Ryzen7 7840HS with AMD Radeon 780M Graphics + 32 GB Ram + MSI Optix Mag321 Curv monitor
    + 1Tb SSD + 232 GB SSD + 250 GB SSD portable drive + ISP = BT + Web Hosting = TSO Host

  10. #20
    Join Date
    Jun 2018

    Default Re: Interesting things to know and Bravo to the Spanish and Italians.

    A lot of countries have initiated a lockdown, US is now the epicenter of the pandemic.
    I just can't wait for this to be over. Also, I won't go out even after the ECQ for I feel like this won't be over even if the lockdown is over.




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