Quote Originally Posted by browj2
If we are to discuss the disadvantages, we must also keep in mind the advantages.
this does not necessarily follow - it is not what the thread is about

If I change hardware, as is my right, I know fully well the consequences of my action, and the choice is mine. The Update Service is what it is.
yes put bluntly - if xara do not give a toss about this my choice is to use affinity

Something that I just thought of, if down the road I am forced to renew, other than being able to get the use back of what I have now, do I get anything else? Of course; I will get new features, maybe a new version or two, and anything new in the online catalogue. I think that this has been forgotten in the argument.
you assume these will be useful; past experience for me says anything but in almost every case

john - there is a reason why xara alone has this sort of update model: is it because no-one else has thought of it.. ? or is it because no-one else thinks it is a good idea...? - this is rhetorical we can all make up our own minds
