Thank you @Xara for one last statement.

The list Acorn posted is a valid inquiry. I hope it is given consideration for the next release.

The last item pertains to my situation
"Online Content Catalog(ue)" - no mention of Download All.
For those users like myself that need to work offline it is important and should be noted better.

Purchasing and downloading from Xara, as I did should have been an install file 16.3 not 16.0 then an update. I went directly to the maker of the program not a third party seller. I highly recommend that be fixed so future customers do not experience the frustration and panic I went through.

Regardless of the model Xara/Magix uses, the process could be better. More informative.
And more inclusive of the offline users.

Prior to your post, I had made a decision.
I will apply my pending update to the version 11 I have installed and nothing further to the 16.