Rob, welcome back after quite a long gap.

The point was the Update Service updater is launched from within your application environment. It is not up to punters to second-guess who is responsible for what. Xara is and through TPAs / SLAs with Magix need to work out how to handle incidents that are not just individually raised issues but are collective problems.

I have disabled the Online folder by renaming it to OnlineXXX and UPS to UPSXXX.
Q: What have I gained?
A: A working application.
To evidence this please look back at raised on 04 December last year. For this to be raised then and no one in MagiXaraLand to have not even acknowledged it in over two months is the underlying concern.
I know this disabling may affect other things like deactivation, update checking, Magix tracking but I am happy to do this for now, knowing I am in control.
So now v16.3 is overall faster than v11, as it ought to be.

Most of my other programs have a little button to manually check for updates, not an Online folder of 24MB and a UPS folder of 177MB, seemingly there to Nag.
Indeed, they usually offer a separate "load on start-up" utility that automatically checks for you; the point being, you can disable it without compromising the main application.

On the Magix Nag Hooks, look again at
I have tweaked my CFG file to point these Nags to something more responsible.

Rule One - No surprises.
Rule Two - Offer to download all the Online Content Catalogue.
Rule Three - When someone buys something, let them keep it (meta-rule covering Rule Two and application updates).


Test XWD11P XDPXv16.3 Disappointment
Online & UPS Folders disabled
Startup 5.4 13.8 250% 4.5
File > Page Options <<1 5.8 >>580% <<1
Line gallery > Document brushes 1 7.2 720% 2.5
Utilities > Options <<1 6.1 >>610% <<1
Online Content Catalogue (OCC) 1.7 1 59% <1
OCC > Delivery van 1 1.7 5.1 300% 2.0