Dear Xara...

Some user are limited in the ability to operate a mouse and rely on keypresses.

A small UI improvement for File > Open recent menu keypresses:
As there is the setting in XDPX to have up to 20 recent files listed, to open the second requires Alt-F-R-2-Enter & the 20th is Alt-F-R-2-0.
Suggestion - If you change the 20th to trigger on the zero, you have Alt-F-R-0 and the second then shortens to Alt-F-R-2.

The Recent files value is set in Utilities > Options > General > Recent files.
Bug - If you input a number outside 1 to 20, a Warning pop-up appears. The Help buttons open the Help contents file into the Help menu page, which is meaningless in this context; it should open at Index: Recent files.
