In version 16.3, switch to the QuickShape tool.
Select the Pie Chart.

There is a Green Control, top-left - click this.

A Data Input area will open to the right.
Switch to the Text tool.
Manually edit the entries or select all and then Copy & Paste your data.
The % icon toggles from actual data values and percentages.

Data can be further tweaked by moving the Blue Arc length control. The adjacent values are then shared and adjusted by the control position.

The Panel can be left open but (@Xara) it stupidly then shows the instruction pane. Possible with simple CSS [<style> .hide { display: none; } </style>] but needs to be applied to the pane, the text and the controls.
@Xara - Symbols do not render.
@Xara - Fails to address some locales use of comma for 000-separator.
