The navbar is not user friendly when websites have child pages (i.e.: tree structure) because everything has to be set up manually. If you only have a few pages, it works well. If you have a lot of pages, it becomes a chore. I'm guessing that I'll only have about 80 pages on my website when I'm done, but others have indicated that they have 200 or more. I can't imagine handling setting up and/or making changes to the navbars on those sites.
My programming background is in numerous languages for factory automation and doesn't include html programming so I'm not an expert, but I believe the changes would be fairly simple. The suggestions could be a modification to the existing menu, or another menu that could be used in addition / in place of the existing menu.
I currently have 5 website development programs on my computer, and, after going back and forth between all of the programs to try to find the best one for this website, have finally (currently?) decided on using Designer Pro X because it has so many good features. On the negative side, the current navbar takes the most time and work to set up and maintain. If the menu system were better, I wouldn't even consider using any other program.
I hope everyone will understand what I'm proposing in the attached PDF. I'm hoping that those with no programming experience will be able to follow the blue boxes and understand how (easy?) the changes would be to use. I think I have enough additional notes where those with programming could picture the logic. I'm looking forward to suggestions on how to improve this AND possible problems people might see with the changes. Negative, as well as positive feedback is appreciated.
Thank you,