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  1. #31
    Join Date
    May 2014
    Australia: GMT+10

    Default Re: Still having issues

    Well, if you're using the 32bit version you're limited to around 3GB all up for everything to share, and there may be a (slow) swap file involved, but the 64 bit version can access as much as your PC can take, as well as humungous hard drives / SSDs. To answer your question though, I don't think so, I believe it uses what's available as needed.

    Having mentioned drives... are you using SSDs? They make a mega-difference!

  2. #32

    Default Re: Still having issues

    Apparently I have an HDD (hard disk drive).

  3. #33

    Default Re: Still having issues

    I wonder if the issue might be that I'm sending scanned images to Xara that are too big. Can anyone tell me, what size should I make my pencil images when scanned before opening them in Xara? Like, how many pixels wide and long? Thanks!

  4. #34
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    Default Re: Still having issues

    it looks from your posted image that you may have an A3 scanner : 4960 x 3510 pixels full size at 300dpi - not a problem

    always use the bitmap gallery to check actual bitmap size - the size on the infobar of the workspace is a relative to print size, not absolute - I have no issues up to 20,000 x 20,000 pixels or more - that said what counts is the amount of memory that the image takes up which, again is in the bitmap galley - the more information an image contains the bigger this will be even if the same pixel dimensions - your posted image is 1.499 KB, effectively 1.5 MB that is small.. again, no problem

    if you have an HDD it's worth checking optimisation [in the case of HDD technically defragmentation] - type disk defrag into search click on defragment and optimise drives app to access this

    HDD are slower because they access data sequentially - the drive has to seek out the data in a physical location on a spinning disk, and especially if it is not all contiguous [all in one place] that takes time - SDD access data directly, like RAM, much faster, however that is not a case for upgrading for the sake of it - one extra advantage of upgrading a laptop is that SDD are not damaged by moving a laptop around, HDD can be if it is not done with care
    Nothing lasts forever...

  5. #35
    Join Date
    May 2014
    Australia: GMT+10

    Default Re: Still having issues

    Have you tried moving your tablet to a different USB port?

  6. #36
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    Default Re: Still having issues

    or any of the other suggestions you have not yet commented on, such as trying another vector program .... it would be better to give us feedback on the suggestions we make because it helps us get a feel for what may be wrong - just guessing at a possibility one after another can take forever...
    Nothing lasts forever...

  7. #37

    Default Re: Still having issues

    Quote Originally Posted by handrawn View Post
    or any of the other suggestions you have not yet commented on, such as trying another vector program .... it would be better to give us feedback on the suggestions we make because it helps us get a feel for what may be wrong - just guessing at a possibility one after another can take forever...
    I'm sorry, guys, I DO appreciate your taking the time to address my concerns. I'm doggedly pursuing an answer to this issue. But I'm not as computer-literate as you are, so some of the suggestions are a bit of a puzzle. I'm certainly willing to try them out though, once I understand them.

    Have you tried moving your tablet to a different USB port?

    I'm not sure what that means. My Cintique has one BIG plug-in that has to go in a specific port on my desktop. There are no other ports for a plug-in that size.

    I really hate to give up on Xara, since I paid for it, and up to now didn't have too many issues with it (aside from learning how to use it). I've been searching online and there have been quite a few other people who have had issues with Windows 10's effect on Wacom (and other) tablets. Apparently the issues arose after the Fall Creative Update of 2017. And the people complaining about it aren't all using Adobe - there are complaints from users of SAI, Virtual Studio, Autodesk, etc. I wonder if I should reset my computer to an earlier version of Windows 10, if that's even possible. Sigh...

  8. #38

    Default Re: Still having issues

    Quote Originally Posted by handrawn View Post
    if you have an HDD it's worth checking optimisation [in the case of HDD technically defragmentation] - type disk defrag into search click on defragment and optimise drives app to access this
    Thanks, handrawn. Is this significant - when I go to Defragment and Optimise, the drivers I see on the list are Windows C and HP Personal Media Drive (my back-up memory drive). I don't see the Wacom drivers on it. Should they be?

  9. #39
    Join Date
    May 2014
    Australia: GMT+10

    Default Re: Still having issues

    Quote Originally Posted by Toonicorn View Post
    Have you tried moving your tablet to a different USB port?
    I'm not sure what that means. My Cintique has one BIG plug-in that has to go in a specific port on my desktop. There are no other ports for a plug-in that size.
    Sorry, but I have no experience with that tablet. I think you're talking about a DVI connection which is for video to display on the Cintiq. The data for Xara et al is via a USB connection judging from the pictures I'm seeing on the web. I'll wish you luck and bow out now.

  10. #40
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    Default Re: Still having issues

    your cintiq will have two connections - the 'big' one that is for the video and a smaller that is the USB which jay refers to

    you do not see drivers on the defragment and optimise drives app you see drives, aka disks, not the same thing

    I am sorry that you do not seem to be able to take on board what we have been trying to say

    life is short

    either you do what is suggested and report back or you go your own way - asking for advice, and then just comming back with more guesswork does not solve anything...

    I am sorry

    EDIT - I use photoshop CC and SAI to name but two - I have no problems - you cannot diagnose what is wrong with your system by association with others who likely have a commpletely different set of circumstances

    you have to be methodical about this, not just stab at it
    Nothing lasts forever...




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