Hi everyone,

Is it possible to export something to SVG without exporting the page/canvas itself?
I'm used to exporting images to .png and .jpg where I select what I want to export and export it. The result is that the exported image only contains what I selected.
However, when I do this and export to SVG the result is always the entire drawing including whatever page/canvas it was on and it contains all other objects on the canvas.
I did not find any hints in the export options dialog. I could of course manually resize the page to whatever objects I want to export which is a bit tedious. My current workaround is to open the SVG in Inkscape and go to Document Properties > Page tab > Custom size > Resize page to drawing or selection. If there is no built-in option in Xara I can just continue to use that workaround instead.
I'm using XDP X9 if that matters.