Dear Xara...

I have tried the editing of an existing PDF that is 4 pages and 42kB.
Xara Cloud sings along with
It just happens that the PDF is secured, so wrong alert message.
Also to offer the need to use an Xara Desktop application (XDA) to optimise images is a bit rich.

On opening a larger, more complex, document with mathematical symbols, only the images presented.
I had to make a change and then revert to finally view the document.
Double line borders were inexplicably split into two or three segments and displaced.
Equally, table rounds were fragmented and not equally for different rows.

I loaded a German technical document; Xara Cloud declared it language to be UK English.

I opened a third document with tables and images.
All borders became detached straight line segments.
Vertical lines were transformed into skinny shapes with rounding controls.
Bookmarks were not maintained.

I know the product is currently beta for PDF but for XaraXine 04 to claim "All in one application" is somewhat premature.
Affinity Publisher was generally worse in rendering but its controls were well ahead; if failed on maths.

My go-to application, and for a long time still, is PDF-Xchange Editor.

My Expectations

  • XDA > Share > Xara Cloud will offer to save the current document and when saved, open Xara Cloud with the current XDA document loaded up. The current web link is next to useless.
  • As Xara Cloud can handle local files, a MS Windows right-click Open With > Store app would be very useful.
