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  1. #1

    Default Strange happenings?

    Hi guys (and gals of course) in response to problems I was having with an old website and not able to find solutions even with the expert helpers here I went for a re-build and refurbishment of design.

    I also took the opportunity to include a website variant as well. In the Christmas page http://www.cradleyvillagehall.org.uk...page_christmas

    The animated father Christmas (at the bottom) does not operate when uploaded whilst working on on the local server. The code is in a placeholder body text

    <!-- HTML codes by Quackit.com -->
    <marquee behavior="scroll" direction="right"><img src="http://www.cradleyvillagehall.org.uk/index_htm_files/santa53.gif" width="100" height="159" /></marquee>

    Any ideas?

    A second question is why does the index page nav bar which is marked as sticky appear some way in from the left hand side of the web boundary and only rights itself after having navigated back to the home page after visiting another page in the navbar?

    As usual it will probably be something minor that in my ignorance I have missed so hopefully you can get me back on track

    Cheers, Ken

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2018

    Default Re: Strange happenings?

    I'm might be adding to your mystery rather than helping.

    The page takes a loooong time to load, guessing the animations are large.
    When the page is partially loaded I see a description of Cradley Hall, which is then obscured by the animation. Is this what you were after?

    Good (but strange) news. The animations work in Firefox and Edge. Both Santa posting to TG and Santa trudging past the snowman. However, (strange bit) in Firefox Santa gets nowhere, he just walks in the same spot. In Edge he manages to walk all the way off screen. This is obviously a browser problem and may not be worth trying to sort out.

    I would be looking at the slow loading and overwriting of the page content, possibly related. Fix one, fix all.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Strange happenings?

    Thanks for the quick response. I am at the moment addressing the long loading time by moving the posters and graphics to the whats on page away from the index page. The problem with the nav bar is as you have seen it starts some way in from the rh side where it is fixed and covers part of the welcome spiel. The animations were in the old site which seemed to cope fine with them. The only new one is the santa at his computer which is a 660k gif same as the santa on the index page. The animations worked fine in all the browsers including chrome before, wonder what has changed. The mystery deepens


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2018

    Default Re: Strange happenings?

    Yes I did look at the size of the gifs and they aren't large at all.

    I had another thought. The site is (I believe) a supersite. Now I'll be the first to admit to having zero knowledge on sipersites, but is that causing the the problem? Does a supersite try and load everything at once, or single pages like a conventional site? The navbar is another feature I never use, so again, I fall into the useless basket for that particular mystery.

    The Santa not trudging in Firefox will be the marquee effect that isn't supported.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2018
    Barnes, London

    Default Re: Strange happenings?

    I would add to Chris's comments that the initial Christmas page appears to load with a different page width, before jumping to what looks like your standard page width. With scale-to-fit-width turned-on, this might explain why you initially see the smaller menu (which is on the page boundary of the initial smaller page).

    From the menu there does not seem an obvious way back to the Christmas page either?


  6. #6

    Default Re: Strange happenings?

    Hi guys sorry for delay in reply but life tends to sometimes interfere with work
    Went back to basics and deleted all of the files from the server online and uploaded the site anew, Seems to have solved the misplaced menu on the index page but the site takes around 10 seconds to load even after slimming down the index page so will just have to keep hunting to find out the cause. The santa walking graphic has disappeared and appears as a undefined graphic which is the least of my problems at the moment. Also on the 420 width variant the drop down menu is sometimes refusing to link to pages so will need to work through that as well.

    The Christmas page cannot be accessed through the menu only the link om the index page as it does not get used for the great majority of the year along with other event files, fetes, pumpkins etc.

    Thanks for the help





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