Good Afternoon Everyone,

I've just downloaded a 1000 overlay effects from Shareware-On-Sale ... ... which look absolutely fantastic, and are FREE for another 33 Hours. However, and it comes with use instructions for Photoshop. (I'd post an image, but not sure of the legality of doing that!)

Step One: Paste the Overlay
To begin testing, paste a some overlay into Photoshop as a new layer. Resize the overlay until it completely covers the image underneath. Try out different colors, shapes, and compositions until you think you’ve found the right match.

Step Two: Select the Blending Mode
With the layer mask selected, click on the blending mode button and select “Screen.”

Step Three: Edit the Layer
Sometimes an overlay will obscure parts of your image, so a little editing might be necessary.

Step Four: The Finished Product
Your image is complete!

Does anyone have any idea how to best make these work in Xara? Step 2 seems very specific to Photoshop. I've tried various transparency modes, but nothing seems to work properly - Does Xara even have an equivalent - I'm pretty sure I can handle everything else.