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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2019

    Default Video embedding CHALLENGE

    Hey Guys, Have a good challenge for you all. I have created a website with say 30 tabs / urls. On my main screen and subsequent pages I have the same Youtube video embedded in a large placeholder. As I go from page to page (navigation tab) the video (which is on autoplay) starts from the beginning. I do not want that (only on the first time the home page is loaded). I wish to have it play seamlessly as this (video is included on all pages) but not from the beginning as they surf my website.

    My wish is to navigate to any of the thirty tabs and have the video continue to play without is starting from the beginning... What I would like it to do is basically continue to play the video uninterrupted from page to page - continues to play as if you did not even now you were changing navigation tabs/menus.

    Is that possible and does anyone know how to do it??????????? Website page grab example included (if attached correctly). Again this Youtube video of mine is embed on all pages.

    More detailed example...

    Home page website loads and youtube video plays automatically.
    If they select any of the thirty tabs the video that they are watching on the home page continues to play on the other tab(s) they selected at the time...and the video continues to play where it left off when the person switched from home page to any of the new tabs.

    Thanks for your help
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	xara web designer example video youtube embed.jpg 
Views:	267 
Size:	44.1 KB 
ID:	124469  



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