Dear Xara...

I am raising this Thread for a sensible debate with anyone but hopefully Xara.
I find the raising of issues in this forum are mostly ignored, which is a great shame.

I generally avoid using the Smart Shapes you offer as they break the original Xara logic of simple Snap to Shape placement and construction.

We have a Line that is bendy and to which you can add Arrowheads. You have to search for it as it is not listed under Lines & Arrows; it is under Shapes.
This capability existed already within the Shape tool and a line Drag.
To alter either requires two different approaches.

To the mix you then introduced Smart Lines (e.g., SL 1) where the arrowheads are integral to the Line but are not identical to the built-in Line Gallery. Smart Line 1 is not bendy.
So we additionally get bendy Smart Line 7.

When I bend traditional and Smart Lines the end point location varies on the type and the Arrowhead.
You have make things over-complex and sufficiently different over simple things like control points that there is no coherence; I could not explain all the nuances easily to a newbie.

All I personally wanted was a Line where I could have a different Arrowhead colour and ultimately make the endpoints sticky.

