I do understand that there is a copyright problem, but I don't think it's as much a demon as it's made out to be. We Boomers need to have a better look at how GenX and the Millennials operate instead of passing laws based on our business experiences.

My son got his start by breaking (as of now) article 13 and just today I sent a joke to my sister in the UK that had a picture of a tub of Vanish stain remover on it. WhatsApp just broke the law...and, if I posted it here to show you the example TG could be fined. It strikes me as obvious that some of the laws in this bill were paid for by old business wanting to keep things in the past because they don't understand modern methods. It's more a distribution problem than a copyright problem.

Yes there's a problem. No I don't have an answer, but clearly neither do the law makers in Europe. Let's hope it goes the same route as the stupid law that passed here in Australia a few months ago. I can't remember what it was now, and neither can anyone else.