Hi all,

I am slogging through building a website for a PC Baseball Sim. I still have some design flaws to correct, so please ignore those.

I am using a widget from Nabble that is a "Newspaper," which can then be embedded into an Iframe. The first part of the widget embed works fine.

How it appears on my website can be seen here http://managersfaceoff.slatsmurphy.c...0report2-a.htm and on the Nabble site here http://day-by-day-in-the-ddbb-manage...n8.nabble.com/

However, when the headline is clicked on, it then goes to the story, and herein is the problem. There is a picture within each story that is cutoff, because it is too large. On my site it is at http://managersfaceoff.slatsmurphy.c...0report2-a.htm and it is full-width on the Nabble site http://day-by-day-in-the-ddbb-manage...ril-4-td7.html

What do I need to add to make it resize the image so that it fits.
