Hello again guys.
I have come across another problem with my website, as it has grown in size (now at 156 pages) Xara is eating up my memory and slowing eveything down. So i have looked on the internet for a way to split up the site so that it won`t take up so much resources on mu PC. I cam across this site as the best solution for what i am looking http://archive.xaraxone.com/webxealo...kbook%201.html But i was wondering how i would go about doing this if i don`t want to publish my site, i just want to host my site on a USB stick or my Hard Drive. Is it possible to do this? If so how do i go about doing it or is there a tutorial somewhere that i could follow like the Linked site above..

The website i have made is a Music Database if anyone is wondering. What i wanted to do was split up the site into Artists A, Artists B, Artists C etc.... Artsits A would have 50 pages to that website, Artists B would have 35 pages etc etc..

Any help would be very much appreciated.. Thanks.